From our state’s iconic elk to the tiny high-pitched pikas that dot alpine hiking trails, Colorado’s wildlife depends on clean and ample water to survive in our fickle weather. But between record-breaking droughts and over use of our water resources, Colorado’s wildlife is being threatened.
Without abundant healthy rivers flowing through our state, the future is unstable and uncertain for Colorado’s wildlife.
That’s where you come in — Colorado is at a crossroads. We, as a state, have the choice right now to create a strong Colorado Water Plan for a secure water future. Or, we can sit idly by and continue to put unprecedented pressure on one of our state’s most limited resources: water.
Colorado Water Plan Conservation Essentials
So, what does a strong Plan look like? It must include these conservation essentials to ensure we have ample water for all of us, two legged, four legged…or finned!
- State-wide water conservation goal of 10% by 2020
- More funding for healthy rivers
- No new large trans-mountain diversions
- Modernized agriculture and water-sharing practices
- Commitment from the state to focus on water recycling
The initial draft of the Colorado Water Plan suggests that Colorado must keep our rivers healthy for our wildlife and recreation, while at the same time increasing our efficiency statewide — but the final Plan must contain specific goals, like the five above, or little will come of this momentous effort. We can’t let that happen, there’s too much at stake.
NOW is the time to add your voice and stand up for a strong a Colorado Water Plan that protects our rivers and wildlife. Take action today and show your support for a strong Colorado water plan that will protect our wildlife.