If you look at Colorado’s mountains, one thing is clear: it’s dry out there. In fact, it may be the driest winter in 30 years. While skiers and snowboarders make do, even more concerning is what comes this summer if the snow and rain between now and then doesn’t make up for the lack of precipitation we’ve had this season: drought, wildfires, and tough times for fishermen, boaters, and local farmers. Low spring runoff affects all of us.
Water doesn’t care about party or politics – every leader should stand up to conserve this limited resource and make sure that our communities have the clean, safe drinking water they need, local farms have enough water to help their crops and livestock thrive, and our rivers have healthy flows for the wildlife and recreation economies that depend on them.
A recent poll confirms what Water for Colorado and our supporters have long known – 80% of Coloradans think inadequate water supply is a serious concern for our state. Furthermore, 80% favor “using our current water supply more wisely, by encouraging more water conservation, reducing use, and increasing recycling of water.”
Taking the pledge to fully fund and support the Water Plan should be a no-brainer for candidates for Governor in Colorado. In fact, some have already included detailed plans about it on their websites if you dig for it. But we need to combine our forces to help show all of the candidates that Coloradans want real action and real leadership around water – we want the Water Plan fully funded and implemented. Click here to sign our open letter today!