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Renewing Commitment to the Colorado River at the Outdoor Retailer Summer Market

Jun 19, 2019 -
Outdoor Retailer hosts its annual Summer Market in Denver. In addition to the important water supply for agricultural, municipal...

Here’s What Colorado’s Next Governor Can do to Safeguard our Water Supply

Jun 25, 2018 -
Water is critical to Colorado’s economy, lifestyle, and identity. It fuels our cities and agriculture and it supports our vital recreation industry. But increasing demands on our existing supplies...

An interview with water expert John Fleck

Sep 19, 2016 -
This interview with John Fleck, a former water reporter and current Director of the Water Resources Program at the University of New Mexico...

New Coordination of Water Conservation Efforts in the Colorado River Basin

Jun 23, 2016 -
Announcement Responds to Calls from Conservation Leaders, Gov. Hickenlooper, Sen. Bennet for Greater Coordination Between Federal Grant Programs to Protect Communities...

Why Kristin Green Loves Colorado’s Rivers

Feb 19, 2016 -
Conservation Colorado's Kristin Green shares her first experience with Colorado's rivers, how that led to where she is today, and why she believes conservation should be the central focus...

‘Water is More Important Than Money,’ say Westerners

Jan 14, 2016 -
Water levels and drought concerns now eclipse economic concerns in Colorado and the West, according to the annual Conservation in the West Poll released recently by Colorado College....

Final Colorado Water Plan Highlights

Dec 10, 2015 -
The following are  highlights from the final 2015 Colorado Water Plan submitted to Gov. Hickenlooper...

Water Reuse and Recycling Must Be Part of Colorado Water Plan

Nov 06, 2015 -
Water reuse and recycling must be important components of the final

Western Slope Lawmakers Weigh In On Colorado Water Plan

Nov 02, 2015 -
GLENWOOD SPRINGS — State lawmakers representing Western Slope constituents are viewing a nearly complete Colorado water...

Colorado Water Plan: Tell Your Colorado River Story

Sep 14, 2015 -
Audubon Rockies' Abby Burk tells her personal story of why Colorado's...

Community Meetings: Learn About, Comment on Colorado Water Plan

Jul 21, 2015 -
Citizens around Colorado will get a chance to hear about and comment...
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